Marlene Hudson, BAS, LMT

Testimonials & Letters

I believe the best testimonial comes directly from the people I've helped.  Testimonials for this page may be submitted by clicking on the "contact me" page and I will add your testimonial here with your first name.


I could say she is strong and seems to know just how and where to touch and stimulate the skin, but that's just saying a good painter really knew how to use a paint brush. Over time, she massaged my thoughts that were festering during my ongoing pursuit of wellness. She totally "got it" that I got myself into this Multiple Sclerosis jungle. Now it's time to follow back the scratches I made on the trees on my way in. The ethereal work of recalibrating emotions requires her stimulating, aromatic environment, even if it's just an hour of real peace of mind. I met Marlene while she was working with the Pennsylvania Hospital System and continued weekly sessions with her until I moved away. 

Mark S. 

I first met Marlene around 2004 after having had several heart catheterizations, and stents. I suffered chronic severe angina and was in a heart program at Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Camden, NJ when I was referred to Lourdes Wellness Center. That is where I met Marlene. She performed massage and she introduced me to foot Reflexology. I achieved the most benefit and I felt my angina begin subsiding after having foot reflexology. I continued with Marlene for several years on a regular basis. I got to know and trust Marlene and her abilities and how much better I began to feel overall. I always felt better after and it would continue. I have learned the hard way that not all therapists have the same gift or touch. After Marlene moved to Florida, in the summer of 2007, I occasionally tried other therapists. There were several who actually made me feel much worse. Marlene is very talented with her knowledge and understanding of her clients. 

Maryann B. 

I originated the massage therapy program at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital System and Marlene served my company with great distinction in the University of Pennsylvania Hospital System for several years. She interacted with physicians, physical therapists, and occupational therapists in their concerted efforts to improve the clinical and lifestyle outcomes for the patients. Marlene has always exhibited the highest levels of clinical knowledge, ethical and professional behavior, and responsibility during her time working with me. I recommend Marlene Hudson for any endeavor that she embarks upon, within the field of massage therapy, without reservation or qualification. 

Robert B. 

I have to say, above all else, it has been Marlene Hudson who has literally blown me away. I have spent the past 15 years teaching leaders how to lead and trainers how to train for Fortune 500 global institutions. My expertise in Leadership, Organizational Development, Professional Standards, and Adult Learning is significant. I share these credentials in order to stress that when I compliment an instructor it comes from a place beyond just likability and competence. What Ms. Hudson has demonstrated in our classroom has been of such tremendous benefit that I strongly contend that it would be in the school's best interest to look to her for counsel as it relates to the build of the program content, student assessment, client focus, professional standards, and educational excellence. One night a few weeks ago, we had a substitute teacher. She was fun and knowledgeable but there was a pronounced difference in the style of education that evening. I don't have anything negative to say about the other teacher, she was really great. It was rather that the experience highlighted just how much professional and private practice experience Ms. Hudson brings to the program.  Ms. Hudson is meticulous in her observation and guidance of every component of the client's experience during our hands-on practice. Ms. Hudson does not rush the education experience and dedicates time to lecture stressing the importance of critical information. We have requested to spend a couple Friday nights in school for additional practice because Ms. Hudson has motivated our class to do just that. There is nothing that says more about an instructor than her students being willing to dedicate personal time for the opportunity to learn more from her. I find it a great attribute and credit to Ms. Hudson's capabilities that despite several nights of canceled classes, we are up to date and ready for clinic to begin. For a teacher to have the ability to work within an intensely compressed program with the results and thorough detail Ms. Hudson has provided is truly remarkable. I am grateful you recognized Ms. Hudson's tremendous talent, passion and professionalism and brought her into the Academy. I can tell you from experience that you have an opportunity to enhance and further build the reputation of the Academy with Ms. Hudson's support. Thank you for listening and hope this note finds you well and smiling!

Stacy C.